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Responsible Sourcing

One of our core values at HOME IMAGE DIRECT LTD is to operate our business in a sustainable way to ensure the environmental and ethical impacts are suitably managed. Our values guide us when choosing our suppliers, and we expect all suppliers to share these values. The responsible sourcing requirements set out our core principles that all our suppliers – including agents, factories, raw material suppliers, and brands must comply with.

These are a compulsory part of the terms and conditions of trading with Home Image. We want to ensure that any products sold by us are produced under ethical working conditions, that workers have their human rights respected, that animals have high standards of animal welfare and that suppliers minimise their impact on the environment. It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the manufacture of all products is carried out in compliance with these requirements throughout the whole of their supply chain. 

Human Rights, Labour and Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery includes any form of servitude, forced or compulsory labour, bonded labour, child labour and/or human trafficking.

We recognise that product supply chains, distribution centres and logistics services are high risk for modern slavery in our supply chain. Under the UK Modern Slavery Act, modern slavery is a criminal offence. We do not tolerate modern slavery in our business, including our supply chain, and expect both our direct suppliers and indirect suppliers to share the same values. These obligations will apply to your supply chain as well as you. You are responsible for compliance with relevant legislation and industry standards to ensure labour standards and human rights at work are met. These include compliance with relevant legislation on modern slavery and human trafficking.

No Forced or Bonded Labour

There is no forced labour including, but not limited to, involuntary overtime, prison, indentured or bonded labour.

No Child Labours

All employees must be at least 15 years of age. They must meet local legal working age and the age for completing compulsory education, whichever is the highest. 

Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining

Allow employees the right to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively.

Minimum Wage Guaranteed

Wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income. Employees must be paid at least the local national legal minimum wage or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher.

Working Hours and Overtime

Working hours must comply with national laws, collective agreements, and shall not exceed 48 hours per week. All overtime shall be voluntary and compensated at the premium rate. The factory/brand will take ownership for any required overtime and HOME IMAGE DIRECT LTD are not responsible and/or will not reimburse this cost. 

No Bribery and Corruption

Avoid all forms of corruption including extortion, bribery, theft, or other abuse of power to gain an advantage.

No Discrimination

Avoid all discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliation.

No Harassment, Abuse and Disciplinary Action

Physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation shall be prohibited. Disciplinary practices must be clearly defined, legal and impartial.

Health and Safety

Provide safe, healthy, and hygienic workplace facilities which meet applicable legal requirements, including for factories, dormitories, canteens, and toilets. Adequate measures must be taken to prevent accidents and injuries.

Fire Safety

Abide by all applicable legislation in addition to having fire prevention and protection systems in place at all supplier facilities. 


As a minimum, you must comply with applicable environmental legislation. In addition to this, you should continuously work towards mitigating negative environmental impacts and align to industry best practice regarding:

  • energy use and greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change
  • water consumption
  • effluent generation and water pollution
  • chemical and hazardous substance use
  • air pollution
  • reduce use of resources and waste management
  • protecting biodiversity